Tides of Uncertainty

Hopefully this is only a short-term setback for tidal energy development in Canada:


Given the amazing provincial and federal support to advance tidal energy projects in Canada, particularly on the east coast, this news comes as a bit of a surprise and we at Bluedot are hopeful that things can be worked out between DFO and SME sooner than later. Similar tidal stream generator technologies have been successfully deployed elsewhere (e.g. Scotland) and evidence from 10,000+ hours of wildlife observations at the European Marine Energy Test Centre has indicated no significant changes in the distribution of birds or marine mammals due to the presence and operation of tidal devices. Canada has committed, in legislation, to cut emissions by 40-45% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 -- swift development of renewable, low carbon energy sources is required to meet these lofty goals.